Develop Monte Carlo
See src/lattice/standard.jl
should contain following fields: lat :: Lattice
and rng :: Random.MersenneTwister
. Model
also should have a constructor taking param :: Parameter
as a argument.
You should define convert_parameter
for your Model
. This is a helper function which takes Model
and Parameter
and returns arguments of update method and estimator.
helps you to define convert_parameter
. For example, if your model::A
needs a scalar T = param["T"]
and a vector Js = param["J"]
with numbondtypes(model)
@gen_convert_parameter(A, ("T", 1, 1.0), ("J", numbondtypes, 1.0))
defines your documented and type-stable convert_parameter(model::A, param::Parameter)
which returns T
and Js
- That the second element of each tuple is not a
means that a return value is a scalar (the case of "T"). - The third element of each tuple is the default value.
Update method
"Update method" is a function which (in-place) updates model::Model
under some parameters such as temperature T
. For example, local_update!(model::Ising, T, Js)
updates a spin configuration of model
by local spin flip and Metropolice-Hasting algorithm under temperature T
and coupling constants Js
. "Update method" can return some object which will be used in "Estimator" as extra information.
Swendsen-Wang algorithm SW_update!(::Ising, ::Parameter)
returns cluster information sw::SWInfo
used in improved_estimator
"Estimator" is a function which returns observables of a configuration model
as a Dict{String, Any}
. Arguments of a "Estimator" are model::Model
, parameters (return of convert_parameter
), and extra information (return of "Update method") in order.
Default "Estimator" is determined by model
and "Update Method" as return of default_estimator(model, param["Update Method"])
improved_estimator(model::Ising, T::Real, Js::AbstractArray, sw::SWInfo)
takes a return of SW_update!(model::Ising, T::Real, Js::AbstractArray)
as the last argument.
postproc(model::Model, param::Parameter, obs::MCObservableSet)
is a post process of a Monte Carlo run. Most important objective is to calculate functions of expectation values stored in obs
For example, "Specific Heat" $C$ can be calculated from "Energy^2" $\langle E^2\rangle \big/ N^2$, "Energy" $\left\langle E\right\rangle \big/ N$, the number of site $N$, and temperature $T$ as $C = \left(N\big/T^2\right)\left[ \left\langle E^2 \right\rangle - \left \langle E \right\rangle^2 \right]$. This is realized as
jk = jackknife(obs)
T = param["T"]
N = numsites(model)
jk["Specific Heat"] = (N/(T*T)) * (jk["Energy^2"] - jk["Energy"]^2)
converts MCObservableSet
(e.g. BinningObservableSet
) to JackknifeObservableSet
, which enables to calculate functions of mean values and these statistical errors.
returns a MCObservableSet
(usually jk::JackknifeObservableSet
above), which is also the return value of runMC