Run Monte Carlo


runMC is a driver routine for a normal MCMC scheme having the following steps:

  • Initialization
    • Initialize a model
  • Thermalization
    • Update the spin configuration w/o measurement
  • Measurement
    • Update the spin configuration w/ measurement

runMC takes a param :: Parameter and returns a MCMC result, jks ::JackknifeSet . param is a set of parameters. jks is a set of MCMC averaged quantities.


param::Parameter is a mapping from keynames to values (Parameter is an alias of Dict{String, Any}). runMC requires the following parameters:

  • "Model"
    • typename of a model (ex. Ising)
  • "Lattice"
    • name of a lattice (ex. "square lattice")
  • "Update Method"
    • function to update a model (ex. local_update!)

The following are optional:

  • "MCS"
    • The number of Monte Carlo steps for measurement
    • default: 8192
  • "Thermalization"
    • The number of Monte Carlo steps for thermalization
    • default: "MCS" >> 3
  • "Seed"
    • The initial seed of the random number generator, Random.MersenneTwister
    • default: random (see the doc of Random.seed!)
  • "Checkpoint Filename Prefix"
    • Suffix of filename of checkpoint file (see the "Restart" section)
    • default: "cp"
  • "ID"
    • Job ID used for restarting
    • default: 0
  • "Checkpoint Interval"
    • Time interval between saving a calculation state into the checkpoint file in units of second.
    • default: 0.0, this means NO checkpoint files will be loaded and saved.
  • "Verbose"
    • print message with the parameter before and after calculation
    • default: false


jks::JackknifeSet is a mapping from names to MCMC observables (JackknifeSet is an alias of Dict{String, Jackknife}). jk::Jackknife is a MCMC observable whose statistics are calculated by jack-knife method. Users can retrieve mean, variance, standard deviation, standard error, and $p \%$ confidence interval of jk by mean(jk), var(jk), stddev(jk), stderror(jk), and confidence_interval(jk, p/100), respectively.

The set of calculated quantities depends on the model (an estimator and a postproc). Please see the online document of specific functions (ex., simple_estimator(::Ising)).

Multiple simulations

runMC can take a list of parameters as an input instead of a single parameter and performs MCMC calculation for each parameter and returns a list of results. When a keyword arg parallel = true is passed, runMC performs MCMC calculations in parallel by using pmap function instead of map.


If param["Checkpoint Interval"] > 0.0, runMC saves the state of calculation (the state of the model and the random number generator) into a checkpoint file named "$(param["Checkpoint Filename Prefix"])_$(param["ID"]).dat" every param["Checkpoint Interval"] seconds.

If a checkpoint file exists and param["Checkpoint Interval"] > 0.0, runMC loads this file and restarts the pending simulation.

runMC(params::AbstractArray) has a keyword argument, autoID::Bool (default=true). If true, ["ID"] will be automatically set (overwritten) as params[i]["ID"] = i.

NOTE: Restart will fail if the version or the system image of julia changes (see the doc of Serialization.serialize).